St. Mark’s catechesis program is a flexible and individualized program open to all adults and teens interested in exploring baptism or confirmation, or simply learning more about the tradition, faith, and practice of the Episcopal Church.
Introductory Gathering: Sunday, 8/28 at 11:15AM at St. Mark’s
Concluding Gathering: Saturday, 10/22 at 4PM at St. Mark’s
AnIndividual Meetings w/Clergy (Late August, Early September)
Each “catechumen” schedules an individual meeting with one of St. Mark’s clergy to discuss formation needs and goals, so that clergy can provide appropriate guidance and suggest formation resources appropriate to needs & interests of each individual. Please contact Father Christopher, Deacon David, or Mother Sylvia directly to schedule an individual meeting.
Small group and/or Independent study (September & October)
Small Group Zoom Sessions (Mon/Wed, 7-8:30pm on Zoom): A series of topical small group sessions will be held on zoom, facilitated by St. Mark’s Clergy, using group course materials and videos from ChurchNext drawing insights from three books: Walk in Love: Episcopal Beliefs & Practice, Taking the Plunge: Baptism and Parenting, and Godparenting: Nurturing the Next Generation. Participants are welcome to attend any sessions that interest them. In addition to (or instead of) these small group sessions, participants are welcome to design their own course of study including readings and/or online courses and materials of interest.
Small Group Sessions (on Zoom) Mondays & Wednesdays, 7-8:30PM (Mountain Time)