Bible Study for the 40 Days Daily Bible Stories for Lent
In the Episcopal Church the structure of our liturgical year as well as the centrality of the Gospel in our worship, theology, education, and preaching means that we often have a deep familiarity with the “Jesus Story” but a more fleeting acquaintance with the foundational stories of the Hebrew Scriptures. Many of us need a periodic “refresher” on the narrative arc of the scripture stories that come before the Birth of Jesus, while others of us are still waiting to hear these stories for the first time! Each year, at the Great Vigil of Easter, we hear a few of these core stories as we prepare ourselves to celebrate the Resurrection (these Easter Vigil stories are marked in red on the calendar below).
In Lent, we invite people of all ages at St. Mark’s to take time to immerse themselves more deeply in these foundational stories of our salvation history by reading (or hearing or watching) a bible story each day.
Younger Children and Families: You can click the Gray Story Title following each date on the calendar below to link to videos of St. Mark’s members telling/reading abridged versions of each bible story for children. (Most of these retellings come from: “Bible Stories for the 40 Days” by Melissa Musick Nussbaum, Illustrations by Judy Jarrett. If you enjoy these stories and illustrations, we encourage you to buy a hard copy of the book for yourself!)
Older Youth & Adults: You can click the Blue Scripture Reference on the calendar below to read the more complete story in the biblical text for yourself.
Members of St. Mark's: Feel free to use the stickers and chart provided in your "Mardi Gras/Ash Wednesday" gift bag to mark your progress through these stories as you journey from Ash Wednesday to Easter!
Warning: Do not walk this path alone!!! The Biblical Stories are not easy stories. They reflect an honest, full range of human experiences, including troubling episodes of violence, misunderstanding, and deceit. Biblical stories are meant to be read, discussed, and understood in community. We encourage you to read and discuss these stories with others--spend time in daily bible study with other members of your family, or invite a friend to be your Lenten “Bible Buddy”.
Centering Song
It can be helpful to sing a short song (like the one below) to help you breathe, center and settle in preparation for reading/hearing a bible story.
Only in Silence the Word Only in Dark the Light Only in Dying Life Speak to us, God, your life-giving Word.
("Creation of Ea", music byBen Newman, words by Ursula K. LeGuin, adapted by Sylvia Miller-Mutia)