In the video, below, I dance the role of Mary Magdalene in a liturgical dance piece choreographed by Carla DeSola for the installation of Bishop Marc Andrus as the Bishop of the Diocese of California at Grace Cathedral in July, 2006.
More recently I choreographed & performed this meditation on the Last Words of Jesus, "Into your hands I commend my spirit" to the song, "I Will Rise" by Andra Day at St. Thomas of Canterbury Episcopal Church, Albuquerque, Good Friday 2018.
The entire congregation dances a circle dance after the Eucharist on Easter at St. Gregory of Nyssa, San Francisco
Professionally trained dancers offer a movement meditation before the Gospel Procession at Grace Cathedral, San Francisco
As the liturgy begins, we are still in a space of Advent. The church is dim, and the mood meditative. A single, trained teenage dancer introduces the Liturgy of the Word (the Christmas Pageant) with a danced prayer. Between each of the seven scenes of the pageant, he dances a meditation based on the seven ancient advent O Antiphons.
As the pageant concludes, the entire pageant cast joins together in a simple dance while the congregation sings a simple Gloria. The cantor teaches the people the song by ear, in the moment, so that they are not distracted by music or song books, and can be fully attentive to the joyful dance unfolding among them.
After communion, the liturgy reaches it's climax with the final carol. A "carol" is literally a "sung dance". The cantor teaches the steps in the moment, then the whole congregation sings and dances the final Christmas Carol together.