The joyful mystery of Easter is so great it cannot be contained in a single day. Therefore, the Church’s celebration of Easter lasts for 50 days, culminating in the Feast of Pentecost. During the 50 days of Easter, it is the tradition of the Church to read aloud the Acts of the Apostles. This Eastertide, we invite you to join members of St. Mark’s as we enter into this ancient practice together, reading a short portion of Acts each day for 50 days.
Create your "Eastertide Wreath"
If you enjoy the tradition of an Advent Wreath to help mark the days of Advent in preparation for Christmas, we invite you to create an “Eastertide Wreath” to help mark the days of Easter in preparation for Pentecost.
A simple tray with 8 tealight candles can provide a visual focus for your daily devotions in Eastertide. (Rainbow colored candles or votive holders can add a level of beauty and meaning to your Eastertide Wreath, but they are not strictly necessary. Plain white candles will do just fine.)
The following song may help you prepare for each day's reading. "Maranatha" is an ancient Aramaic word and Christian prayer meaning "Come Lord!"
Come now Spirit! Maranatha! Ven Espiritu! Maranatha!
Daily Readings
On the calendar below, you can click the Scripture Passage to read the scripture text yourself, or click the VIDEO LINK to listen to members of St. Mark's read the scriptures aloud.The videos are short, most can be viewed in under 5 minutes. The longest video is 12 minutes long. We encourage you to set aside 15 minutes each day in Eastertide--alone with a journal, or together with members of your family or friends--to listen to the Spirit speaking to you through the scriptures.
After reading or listening to each daily portion of scripture, ask:
What word, phrase, image, action, or character caught your attention? What questions do you have? What do you notice? What do you wonder? What part of this reading is especially for you?