The fire inside
Written by: Sylvia Notes: This song was inspired by our cohort's pilgrimage to Holy Island/Lindsifarne, where we found this excerpt in a larger text (see below) in the parish church. Lyrics: (After St. Aidan) The fire inside impels us on the road to seek Christ in the stranger's face or feel the absence of His touch |
Wisdom Calls
Written by: Sylvia+ Notes: A useful song to sing before the reading of scripture Lyrics: (After Proverbs 8:1-4) Does not Wisdom call from the heights, on the way? At each crossroads Wisdom is taking her stand. To you, O people, Wisdom calls and her cry is to all that live. |
Come Good People
Written by: Sylvia+ Text: Hildegard of Bingen, 12th century Notes: A useful gathering song Lyrics: Come, Good People greening verdancy rooted in sun radiant with light |
Agua Vital
Written by: Traditional, Meso-American Movement Meditation by: Sylvia+ Notes: Sylvia+ learned this chant as part of a course on curanderismo, or traditional healing of Mexico & the Southwest. She developed a simple movement meditation to accompany the chant. This chant/prayer/meditation invokes the healing power of creation through water, fire, wind, and earth. As we are cleansed and healed, we are restored to wholeness and strength to join God's healing work in the world. Lyrics: Agua Vital, purificame Fuego del Amor, quema mi temor Viento del Alma, llevame al altar Madre Tierra, vuelvo a mi hogar [Living water, purify me Fire of love, burn away my fear Wind of Spirit, carry me to the altar Mother earth, I return to my home] |
Dios te Salve Maria
Written by: Traditional Roman Catholic Prayer Notes: Sylvia+ learned this prayer on the 2018 New Mexico Pilgrimage for Unity (an ecumenical pilgrimage) and created the accompanying melody and movement meditation. Mary, the Mother of Jesus, is often portrayed as "meek and mild" but she can also be a powerful icon and source of strength and resistance. Lyrics: Dios te salve, María, llena eres de gracia, el Seńor es contigo. Bendita tú eres entre todas las mujeres, y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús. Santa María, Madre de Dios, ruega por nosotros, los pecadores, ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte. Amén |
You have lifted up the lowly
Written by: Sylvia Text: Luke 1:52 Notes: For use in Advent as antiphon with psalm or gospel, as a refrain for the prayers of the people, or as a meditative chant at any suitable point in the service. We have been using it throughout Advent as the "sequence hymn" (the song before the Gospel). Lyrics: You have lifted up the lowly (3x) and cast the mighty from their thrones |
Let us be alive!
Written by: Sylvia Text: St. Hildegard of Bingen, 12th century Notes: The accompanying movement meditation invites us to embody the movement back and forth between deep reverence (in a bow or prostration) and holy action (standing upright and alert ready to answer God's call.) Lyrics: Let us be alive! A live burning offering ourselves a burning offering before the altar of God |
El Mundo Nuevo
Written by: Kerri Notes: An original song in Spanish, inspired by Kerri's earlier composition in English "Another World" (see below.) Lyrics: El nuevo mundo de que hablamos El mundo lindo de que cantamos O es mas, es mas que una posibilidad Si es mas, es mas que una posibilidad Ya yo puedo verlo Ya puedo oirlo Esta llegando Llega cantando! [The new world of which we speak the beautiful world of which we sing Oh it's more, it's more than a possibility Yes, it's more, it's more than a possibility I can already see it I can already hear it It's coming It comes singing!] |