GATHERING Alleluia! Christ is risen! (The Lord is Risen indeed! Alleluia!)
Gathering Songs
STORYTELLING God carries our burdens. God refreshes our souls. And God opens our ears, and minds, and hearts, to hear the Good News in the Word of God.
Listening Song- Listen to the Word that God has spoken
Listen to the word that God has spoken Listen to the One who is close at hand Listen to the Voice behind creation Listen even if you don't understand
Gospel Story (Share a Story of God's Good News from the Bible, Godly Play, or a Story Book)
Response: Singing Alleluias!
PRAYERS God speaks to us, in stories from the bible and God listens to us. God hears our prayers. Who and what do you want us to pray for today? As we pray, I invite you to light a candle, and hold all our prayers in the light of God's love. As we pray, we’ll sing together.
Prayer Song
God receives our prayers, and in return God gives us the gift of peace so that we can share that peace with one another and with the whole world. As we sing the next song, I invite you to open your hands in this ancient "orans" position and send God's blessing of peace to fill up the people around you, then to spread out and fill up the whole world. The Peace of the Lord be with you always.
Peace Song--Shalom My Friend
Shalom my friends, shalom my friends, shalom, shalom.
The Dismissal
Sending Song: Go now in Peace
Go now in peace, go now in peace may the love of God surround you everywhere, everywhere, you may go.